Deep Brain Stimulation
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Deep Brain Stimulation

There are many neurological conditions whose symptoms are not treatable with medications or non-surgical therapies. Deep Brain Stimulation in Hyderabad is one of the surgical solutions to improve the life quality of patients suffering from conditions like Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Dystonia, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Essential tremors as well as other conditions.

Arete Hospitals, Best Neurology Hospital in Hyderabad provides best treatment for deep brain stimulations for different patient conditions. It offers impeccable deep brain stimulation surgery to its patients at the most competitive price.

Benefits of Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation treatment in Hyderabad can help lessen symptoms of a number of movement disorders and psychiatric conditions, such as:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Epilepsy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Dystonia
  • Essential tremors.

It is FDA-cleared to reduce the severity and frequency of seizures in challenging epilepsy cases.

Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery

Deep Brain Stimulation is a neurosurgery treatment in Hyderabad that involves implanting electrodes deep within specific regions of the brain. These implanted electrodes deliver electrical impulses that regulate the abnormal nerve impulses in the brain or affect certain brain cells and chemicals. The brain stimulation is customised and controlled by a battery-operated pulse generator which is placed under the skin of the upper chest.

Before Deep Brain Stimulation

Even if recommended for DBS Surgery in Hyderabad, the patient must carefully weigh the risks and benefits of the operation before proceeding with the surgery. To prepare for deep brain stimulation, the patient would have to:

Undertake physical examination and certain tests to ensure that the surgery is a safe option

Go for brain imaging studies such as MRI to help surgeons map out the areas of the brain where the electrode can be implanted

Inform the doctor about the current intake of medications and supplements beforehand.

Deep Brain Stimulation Procedure

Deep brain stimulation surgery is carried out on the patient who has received anaesthesia. Generally, here’s how the surgery for brain stimulation takes place:

  • Surgery of the brain- For brain surgery, the care team fits the patient’s head in a stereotactic head frame to keep it still throughout the operation. Next, the surgeon uses MRI or CT scan to map the brain and locate areas within the brain where the electrodes can be placed. Mostly, the placement of electrodes is done on an awake and alert patient to allow testing of the effects of brain stimulation.

    To ensure the patient’s comfort, this surgery is performed only after numbing the patient’s skull with local anaesthesia. In some cases, general anaesthesia may be given to keep the patient unconscious during the operation. Once the anaesthesia has taken its effect, the surgeon inserts a thin wire lead having the number of contact points (electrodes) into the target region of the brain.

    Otherwise, two leads may be implanted into each side of the brain. Next, a wire running under the skin to a pulse generator (neurostimulator) is implanted next to the patient’s collarbone. Throughout the surgery, both neurologist and surgeon carefully monitor the brain of the patient to ensure correct placement of the electrodes.
  • Chest wall surgery- In the second part of the deep brain stimulation procedure; the Best Deep Brain Stimulation Doctors in Hyderabad implants the pulse generator. The pulse generator is the part of the device that contains batteries. It is placed under the skin of the chest, near the patient’s collarbone. For this part of the surgery, the patient is placed under general anaesthesia. After the placement of the battery-operated pulse generator, the surgeon carefully connects the wires from electrodes implanted in the brain to it. The pulse generator is programmed to continuously send electrical pulses to the brain.

    The patient can control the generator and switch it on and off with the help of a special remote control. For a few weeks following the surgery, the surgeon will activate the pulse generator as per the amount of brain stimulation the patient needs. An optimal setting of the generator may take around 4-6 months to be figured out. The battery of the pulse generator needs to be replaced based on its usage and settings. Replacement is done as an outpatient procedure.

Good Candidates for Deep Brain Stimulation

  • People whose symptoms of epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, essential disabling tremors, or obsessive-compulsive disorder are not controllable with medications. Additionally, the symptoms are substantially reducing the life quality of the patient.  
  • Younger patients without significant dementia or other severe cognitive problems.
  • People who can tolerate the surgery well and respond to carbidopa-levodopa.
  • People who are experiencing severe motor fluctuations that are not controllable with adjustments to the schedule of medications.
  • People who are often experiencing significant dyskinesias throughout the day that are interspersed with rapid wear-off and off-time crises.
  • People who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease for 5 years or more.

After Discharge

  • Avoid strenuous activities during the first month after surgery.
  • Start driving only after the surgeon allows it.
  • Take prescribed medications like painkillers and antibiotics to relieve pain and avoid infections.
  • Follow proper wound care as instructed by the nurse.
  • Take at least 2 weeks off from work after each operation.
  • Avoid lifting objects weighing more than 20 lbs for the first 4-6 weeks after surgery.
  • Have a healthy, tolerable diet.
  • Defer dental work for 6 weeks after the last operation to limit the risk of infection.
  • Do not go on flights for 2 weeks after the last surgery.
  • Avoid hair colouring, and haircuts with clippers until 6 weeks after surgery.
  • Do not miss follow-up appointments with the surgeon and nurse to ensure proper healing.

Cost of Deep Brain Stimulation in Hyderabad

The deep brain stimulation surgery cost depends upon certain factors, including:

  • The implant device
  • The surgeon and anaesthesiologist fees
  • Hospital fees
  • The kind of condition being treated and its severity.

Most private insurers do cover the cost of deep brain stimulation surgery. However, the extent of coverage depends upon the individual’s insurance policy. To know more details about coverage and the authorisation process contact billing representatives at Arete Hospitals and the insurance provider.

Effectiveness of Deep Brain Stimulation

The success records of deep brain stimulation depend upon the condition being treated. It is very effective for Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy patients having tremors and seizures. 

Risks Associated with Deep Brain Stimulation

The potential side effects of the surgery may include:

  • Seizure
  • Stroke
  • Trouble in concentrating
  • Infection
  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Temporary pain and swelling at the site of implantation
  • Side effects of brain stimulation such as problems with speech, balance, and vision; tingling sensations or numbness, muscle tightness of arm or face, light-headedness, and unwanted mood changes such as depression and anger.

The complications of deep brain stimulation may include:

  • Nausea
  • Stroke
  • Infection
  • Breathing issues
  • Seizure
  • Heart issues
  • This leads to misplacement or erosion
  • Bleeding in the brain.
Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long do I need to stay at the hospital after my Deep Brain Stimulation?

Your hospital stay is usually for 1-2 days. You can get back to normal baseline energy level after 2 weeks of the surgery.

2. How painful is deep brain stimulation?

Patients who undertake deep brain stimulation typically do not experience much pain because of the use of anaesthesia. Apart from it, a few days of postoperative pain is expected which pain relievers can alleviate.

3. How long does a deep brain stimulation device last?

DBS devices with rechargeable batteries last 10-15 years. To learn more contact, the Best Neurosurgeon in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals.

4. Can the patient with a deep brain stimulation system have an MRI?

DBS systems are safe in MR environments only if certain conditions of the patient are met. If not, the patient may be at significant risk of lesions of brain tissues from component heating, especially at the lead electrodes. The patient can get serious and experience permanent injury including coma, paralysis, or death.

5. Does Deep Brain Stimulation affect the blood pressure of the patient?

Deep brain stimulation can decrease or increase arterial blood pressure in humans when electrodes are placed in the neural networks.

Visit now at Arete Hospitals, Best Hospitals for Deep Brain Stimulation in Hyderabad. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced medical teams ensure top-notch care for patients undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation procedures.

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