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Meningitis is a form of infection that affects the meninges and causes inflammation (swelling). It refers to a three-layered, protective membrane around the brain and spinal cord. The inner, delicate layer is called the pia mater. In the middle is an Arachnoid- a web-like, fluid-filled structure that cushions the brain or spinal cord. The outer, tough layer is called dura mater.

Mostly, meningitis is caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. Sometimes, it is the result of parasitic infections, chronic illness, injuries, or side effects of certain drugs. Knowing about the specific cause of meningitis is very important as effective treatment is only possible by identifying the cause.

The Department of Neurology at Arete Hospitals staffs the leading Neurologists in Hyderabad who are experts in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of meningitis.

The department has state-of-the-art infrastructure and practises the most advanced techniques using high-end technologies.

Benefits of Meningitis Treatment

  • Early treatment prevents severe complications
  • Antibiotics help eliminate the infection causing meningitis
  • Treatment reduces the risk of long-term neurological damage
  • Prompt care can improve the chances of a full recovery
  • Treatment alleviates symptoms such as fever and headache
  • It minimises the risk of transmission to others in close contact.

Types of Meningitis

Meningitis is of various kinds, named after their causes or how long the symptoms appear. At Arete Hospitals, Best Doctors For Meningitis Treatment in Hyderabad diagnose and treat all types of meningitis, including:

  • Bacterial meningitis- It is a deadly type of meningitis that can cause infection and inflammation of the fluids surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Germs that cause bacterial meningitis can spread from an infected person to a healthy person through food. If experiencing any symptoms of bacterial meningitis, it’s important to seek immediate medical treatment.

    The symptoms of bacterial meningitis typically appear within 24 hours of bacterial exposure. They may include fever, headache, flu-like symptoms, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and confusion. Older children and adults with bacterial meningitis may experience irritability, more drowsiness, strokes, and seizures. Babies and young children with bacterial meningitis may show symptoms like lethargy, irritability, sleepiness, bulging fontanelle, and seizures.    
  • Fungal meningitis- It occurs rarely. People can be affected by this type of meningitis by inhaling certain fungal spores from the environment. The risk of fungal meningitis is higher in people with certain medical conditions such as HIV, cancer, and diabetes. The symptoms of fungal meningitis include a stiff neck, headache, fever, photophobia, confusion, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Viral meningitis- It is another serious type of meningitis caused by viral infection. But it is less severe than bacterial meningitis. Having a healthy immune system and getting vaccinated can help protect an individual from viral meningitis. It occurs when an infected person comes in close contact with a healthy person.

    Babies with viral meningitis commonly show symptoms like fever, lethargy, irritability, sleepiness, and poor eating. In children and adults, viral meningitis often shows symptoms like nausea, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, fever, headache, sleepiness, photophobia, and irritability.
  • Parasitic meningitis- This type is less common than bacterial or viral meningitis. It is the result of various parasites that can affect the meninges or central nervous system in some way. Certain parasitic meningitis is called eosinophilic meningitis. People with symptomatic parasitic meningitis may experience fever, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, photophobia, headache, or confusion.   
  • Acute meningitis- Bacterial meningitis is usually short-lived (acute). Their symptoms appear suddenly and are severe.
  • Chronic meningitis- When meningitis symptoms last for a month or longer, it’s called chronic meningitis.
  • Primary Amoebic Meningitis (PAM)- This is an extremely rare type of meningitis caused by an amoeba called Naegleria fowleri. This amoeba is a free-living, microscopic organism that resides in warm soil and water. It can cause devastating infection/inflammation of the brain.
  • Drug-Induced Aseptic Meningitis (DIAM)- This type rarely occurs. It mostly occurs because of side effects of certain drugs like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.  

To know more about the type of meningitis one is affected, contact the expert Meningitis Specialist in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals for more details.

Diagnostic Services for Meningitis Detection

Neurologists will diagnose meningitis by performing a physical examination, asking or noting down the symptoms, and testing the patient’s cerebrospinal fluid. They will even ask the patient about being in contact with any person with a certain illness or recently been a traveller. The patients may be ordered to get their nose/throat swab, stool sample, or blood tested for infections as well as get their brain imaging done. For brain imaging, MRI and CT scans are used. A lumbar puncture or spinal tap is performed by a Meningitis Doctor in Hyderabad in some cases to take out a sample of cerebrospinal fluid and test it for infection.

Meningitis Treatment in Hyderabad

At Arete Hospitals, Best Meningitis Hospital in Hyderabad  all cases of bacterial meningitis and severe viral meningitis as well as rarely occurring parasitic meningitis and primary amoebic meningitis are treated. That’s because such conditions can lead to complications and require close monitoring by a neurologist.

The different treatments/care available for patients with meningitis include:

  • Antibiotics- These are given through IV drip to quickly kill or inhibit the growth of infectious bacteria causing meningitis.
  • Pain relieving medications- These are also given through IV drip or orally to alleviate headaches associated with meningitis.
  • Antiviral medications- These may help patients suffering from meningitis caused by viruses like herpes virus and influenza. 
  • IV (Intravenous) fluids- The neurologists put a drip for the patient to restore fluids in the patient’s body to prevent dehydration.
  • Anti-emetic medications- For nausea and vomiting, the neurologists provide anti-sickness medications.
  • Use of oxygen face masks- In case the patient is experiencing trouble breathing, oxygen face masks can help the patient breathe, while medications or fluids are received by the patient through an IV drip.
  • Steroid medications- For some patients, certain steroids may be provided through injections to help reduce inflammation around the spine or brain.  

Patients may need to stay at the hospital for 1-2 days and in some cases, several weeks, depending upon the severity of their meningitis. After getting discharged, the patients will have to wait for a while to get back to normal. If patients suffer from complications of meningitis like hearing loss, they are provided with additional treatment and long-term support.

Mild viral meningitis normally gets better in about 7-10 days without treatment and does not cause serious health issues. The patients can take painkillers for their general body aches or headaches, get adequate rest, and even take anti-emetic medications. For more details, on proper diagnosis and Meningitis Treatment Near Me in Hyderabad, consult the expert doctors at Arete Hospitals.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Am I at high risk of meningitis?

Mostly, bacterial meningitis affects children under 5 years old. Meningitis is often seen in people having a leaking cerebrospinal fluid, a weakened or suppressed immune system, absent or damaged spleen, chronic nose, and ear infections, widespread blood infection, pneumococcal pneumonia, or head/traumatic brain/spinal cord injury. People living with alcohol use disorder or sickle cell disease are also at increased risk of meningitis.

2. How can I prevent meningitis?

If you are at high risk of meningitis, you can prevent meningitis by following some precautions to protect yourself from infectious microbes that often cause meningitis. The precautions include getting vaccinated for bacterial and viral diseases that lead to meningitis; practising good hand hygiene and safe food handling. Prophylactic antibiotics can help prevent bacterial infections causing meningitis.

3. How can I test meningitis at home?

There is no at-home test available to diagnose meningitis. Meningitis can only be diagnosed by neurologists who conduct physical examinations and order some tests to rule out other conditions.

4. Can I survive meningitis?

Yes. Most forms of meningitis are treatable and you can survive even after suffering from such a serious illness. Bacterial meningitis is one of the most deadly, common types of meningitis with a survival rate of about 90%. However, very few people survive amoebic meningitis which occurs extremely rarely.

5. How painful is meningitis?

Meningitis can be associated with severe headaches or pain that radiates to other body parts down the spine. It may even make the neck stiff.

6. Is meningitis contagious?

Contagious infections are those that can be transmitted from a diseased person to a healthy person through direct or indirect contact. Meningitis condition is not contagious. However, some of its causes are contagious. Most bacterial and viral meningitis can spread from one person to another. Other types of meningitis cannot spread.

For comprehensive information regarding Best Treatment for Meningitis and its Cost in Hyderabad, please schedule a consultation with the esteemed experts at Arete Hospitals.

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