Sleep Disorders
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Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorder or sleep-wake disorder is a condition that affects one’s ability to give one’s body the rest needed to maintain wakefulness. It includes problems with the timing, quality, and amount of sleep that an individual must get regularly. All such issues lead to daytime distress and impaired functioning of the body. Some specific things can cause a sleep disorder. These include night shift work, genetic predisposition, medication side effects, caffeine or alcohol intake before bedtime, and low levels of minerals/ chemicals in the brain. Often, people have sleep disorders alongside medical conditions or other mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or cognitive disorders.

A Sleep Specialist in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals can help diagnose and treat sleep disorders. Sleep specialists at the hospital are trained in psychiatry, psychology, internal medicine, neurology, paediatrics, or respiration therapy to treat specific sleep disorders.

At Arete Hospital, the Sleep Disorders Unit employs the leading and Best Sleep Disorder Treatment Doctors in Hyderabad who are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of sleep disorders.

At Arete Hospitals, we understand daily night sleep is a basic need of every human being and is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. We aim to provide all our patients with a convenient, proficient, and all-inclusive sleep health treatment to cater to their needs. Our sleep professionals offer all top-notch inpatient and outpatient services for the evaluation, education, and treatment of patients with sleep disorders.

Benefits of Sleep Disorders Treatment

Treatment of Sleep Disorders in Hyderabad can help one get a well-rested sleep at night. By getting enough sleep, the sleep disorder patients would no longer experience:

  • Personality changes like irritability
  • Difficulty in learning, remembering, and decision-making
  • Having lower reaction times
  • Development of health issues like obesity, cardiac disease, depression, type 2 diabetes, and dementia.

Categories and Types of Sleep Disorders Addressed at Arete Hospitals

  • Insomnia- It is the condition wherein the patient faces difficulty in initiating sleep and staying asleep. Chronic insomnia is one of its types where the patient experiences insomnia for consecutive three months. One can get Insomnia Treatment in Hyderabad with the expert doctors at Arete Hospitals.
  • Sleep-related breathing disorders- Here, the patient experiences breathing changes while asleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is one such condition characterised by loud snoring and disturbances during sleep when breathing stops.
  • Central disorders of hypersomnolence- The patient suffering from hypersomnolence has trouble feeling alert at day time. Narcolepsy is one of the types wherein the patients can’t regulate when to fall asleep or how long to stay awake.
  • Circadian-rhythm sleep-wake disorders- The patients with this disorder experience difficulty in falling asleep and waking up on time because of their internal clock.
  • Sleep-related movement disorders- The patients who have the urge to move their limbs during rest make it difficult for them to fall asleep or/and stay asleep. Restless leg syndrome is a type of sleep-related movement disorder wherein the patients have the urge to move their legs when at rest.
  • Parasomnias- In such sleep disorders, the patients perform physical actions or verbal expressions during sleep like talking, walking, or eating which makes their sleep disturbed. REM sleep behaviour disorder is one of the sleep disorders where a person starts acting out what’s happening in his/her dream while in the rapid eye movement stage of sleep.

Good Candidates for Sleep Disorders Treatment

Anyone who experiences the signs and conditions stated below might be a patient with a sleep disorder and may benefit from meeting a sleep specialist doctor near me or at Arete Hospitals.

  • Difficulty in having proper sleep at night
  • Feeling tired all day long even though had 7-8 hours long sleep the previous night
  • Facing difficulty in performing routine daytime activities
  • Loud, disturbing snoring; gasping, or choking happening while sleeping
  • Waking up with a headache
  • Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Feeling like making limb movements while relaxing or feeling like not being able to move just after waking up
  • Experiencing fits at night or witnessing sleep apnoea
  • Difficulty concentrating or memory lapses during the day
  • Having frequent falls or accidents because of inadequate sleep
  • Feeling irritated and having trouble managing emotions
  • Experiencing changes in behaviour like difficulty in paying attention
  • Problems in sleep pattern
  • Diagnosed congestive heart failure.

Sleep Disorders Treatment

There are various options to treat different types of sleep disorders, including:

  • Taking medications or supplements like sleep aids or wake-promoting medications; changing the medications that cause excessive sleepiness
  • Changing sleep routine to encourage regular sleep schedule and proper sleep hygiene
  • CPAP therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Light therapy.

For more information on Sleep Disorders Treatment in Hyderabad, schedule a visit at Arete Hospitals.

Services Offered at Arete Hospitals to Diagnose and Treat Sleep Disorders

  • Multiple Sleep Latency Test in Hyderabad (MSLT)- It is commonly known as a day nap study. This study involves testing daytime sleepiness by checking how quickly patients fall asleep during the daytime in a relaxing environment. MSLT is a standard diagnostic tool for narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia.
  • Maintenance of Wakefulness Testing (MWT)- This test is conducted on the patient to objectively find whether the patient can stay awake all day long. It demonstrates the level of alertness the patient shows during his/her inactivity or silence in the daytime.
  • Overnight Sleep Test in Hyderabad or Polysomnography- This is the most commonly performed type of sleep study. The data that is recorded during the sleep study involves heart rate, breathing rate, brain waves, oxygen level in the blood, and eye and leg movements. The result of the test is reported as a polysomnogram which further is used to diagnose sleep disorders like sleep apnea, parasomnia, and others. 
  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy- This is the most common, effective treatment of sleep apnea. In this therapy, a respiratory therapist uses a CPAP pump to prevent the repeated collapse of the upper airway. The CPAP pump provides continuous airflow to the airway and creates an air cushion in the throat of the patient to ensure normal respiration and no more sleep-related breathing disorders.
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Hyderabad- It is psychotherapy, a structured talk by mental health professionals to treat a wide range of mental health issues and emotional challenges that can result in sleep disorders. During the therapy, the therapist will ask a series of questions, gain an understanding of the patient’s issue, help in recognizing the problematic thoughts and behaviours, and work with the patient to adjust thoughts and behaviours. 
  • Light Therapy (Phototherapy)- It helps treat several skin issues characterised such as psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo, and mycosis fungoides that make the patient restless at night because of itching.
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Choose Arete Hospitals for Sleep Disorder Treatment?

Arete Hospitals is considered as the Best Sleep Disorder Treatment Hospital in Hyderabad because it has a team of renowned sleep specialists, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centred approach. With a track record of successful outcomes, the experts offer personalised treatment plans tailored to the patient's unique needs.

With a focus on holistic care, Arete Hospitals addresses the root causes of sleep disorders, and provide long-term solutions to promote healthier sleep patterns and improve one’s quality of life.

2. Can I Prevent Sleep Disorders?

You cannot prevent all kinds of sleep disorders. But, you can reduce your risk of sleep disorders by practising good sleep hygiene/ sleep habits.

3. Who is More Likely to Get a Sleep Disorder?

People diagnosed with congestive heart failure, anxiety, depression, or hypertension. People aged over 40 years and those who are overweight or obese people. It also includes women who have increased chances of insomnia and men who have sleep apnea

4. How Long Do Sleep Disorders Last?

There is no specific time frame as to when sleep disorder will stop affecting an individual. One may be able to find a treatment that will make one feel better within a few weeks to months. Others may need to manage their sleep disorder lifelong. Talk to sleep specialists at Arete Hospitals about your specific outlook.

5. How Can I Help Myself Get Better Sleep?

There are many ways by which you can get a better night’s sleep:

Exercise regularly, ideally daily. Establish a good bed routine and stick to it. Always keep your surrounding place quiet and dark when initiating sleeping. Have a comfortable and supportive pillow and mattress. Stick to a proper sleep schedule- same time of waking up and going to bed even on the weekends. Avoid taking naps, especially in the daytime.

Learn sleep relaxation techniques and take out time to unwind before starting your night routine.  Avoid intake of stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco several hours before bedtime.

Somnologist in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals is committed to improving your sleep quality and overall well-being through advanced diagnostics and effective treatments, making it one of the best hospitals for sleep disorder concerns.

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