The human urinary system comprises kidneys, ureters, urethra, and bladder. All parts of the urinary tract collectively work to flush excess fluids and waste/toxins out of the body. The kidney is instrumental in the purification/detoxification of the blood and produces urine that passes to the urinary bladder through a tube called a ureter. Any blockage or issue along the urinary tract like the opening of the kidney to the ureter, the urethra, and the bladder could cause hydronephrosis.
Hydronephrosis is a urological condition wherein there is impaired draining of urine from the kidneys to the bladder. It leads to urine accumulation in the kidneys and subsequent swelling of one or both kidneys. The occurrence of this condition is either due to blockage/obstruction in the urine outflow from the kidneys or reflux flow of urine from the bladder, which can cause enlargement of the renal pelvis. It is usually the result of some underlying illness or risk factors.
Arete Hospitals is a preferred choice for Hydronephrosis treatment in Hyderabad due to its renowned urology department, state-of-the-art facilities, experienced medical staff, and for offering successful urological procedures. With a commitment to patient care, advanced technology, and a multidisciplinary approach, Arete Hospitals ensures effective diagnosis and treatment for patients suffering from hydronephrosis.
Most adults who have the following conditions suffer from Hydronephrosis:
- Kidney stones- The stones can get lodged in the urinary tract or kidney and block urine flow.
- Benign prostatic hyperplasia- Enlarged prostate in men can put pressure on the urethra and the ureters that pass urine out of the body.
- Tumours or Cancers of the prostate gland, bladder, uterus, or other parts of the urinary tract- These can cause obstructions that disrupt urine normal flow.
- Urinary retention- Emptying of the bladder is not taking place.
- Nerve or muscle problems- These can affect the kidney or ureter.
- Vesicoureteral reflux- A condition wherein urine flow is backward from the bladder to the kidneys.
- Ureterocele- A condition wherein the lower section of the ureter may protrude and block a part of the bladder.
- Blood clots in the kidney or ureter.
- Narrowing of the urinary tract due to an injury, surgery, or congenital defect
Hydronephrosis may also affect women as a result of:
- Pregnancy- The expansion of the uterus can press the ureter and block urine flow.
- Cystocele- A condition where the wall lying between the bladder and vagina becomes weak and causes the bladder to hang down into the vagina.
- Uterine prolapse- A condition wherein the uterus slips down, out of its normal position.
At Arete Hospitals, Best Hydronephrosis Treatment Hospitals in Hyderabad, one can find top-rated urologists who have expertise and decades of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of Hydronephrosis.
The Urologists in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals can treat all kinds of hydronephrosis: partial or complete, one-sided or bilateral, and sudden or chronic, at the best price and quality.
Benefits of Hydronephrosis Treatment
- Treatment can alleviate pain and discomfort that can result from kidney stones or urinary blockages, improving the patient's quality of life
- Treatment can preserve or restore normal kidney function. If left untreated, severe hydronephrosis can lead to kidney damage and potentially kidney failure. Prompt treatment helps prevent or reverse kidney damage
- Removing kidney stones, clearing urinary blockages, or addressing infections, can prevent the condition from worsening and reduce the risk of complications
- By treating the condition, the risk of recurrent urinary tract infections and associated complications can be reduced
- Concerns like frequent urination, urgency of urination, or difficulty urinating can be improved with improved urinary function and symptom relief
- By addressing hydronephrosis and its underlying causes, patients can experience better overall health and well-being
- Managing hydronephrosis initially contributes to long-term kidney health and reduces the risk of future kidney-related problems.
The urologists at Arete Hospitals diagnose Hydronephrosis by conducting the following:
Physical examination- The urologist will take note of the symptoms of the patient (if any) and carefully, and thoroughly examine the area surrounding the kidneys and bladder of the patient to check for swelling or tenderness. Moreover, the urologist will review the personal and family history of the patient.
The Best Hydronephrosis Treatment Doctors in Hyderabad will even look for pelvic swelling. If a male patient is, the urologist will perform a rectal exam to determine prostate enlargement. For female patients, the urologist will perform a pelvic exam to check for any problems with the ovaries and uterus.
- Blood tests- The urologist will order a complete blood count to check for infection. Sometimes, they may test the patient for kidney functioning.
- Urine tests- The urologist will run a urine analysis to see for blood in the urine, any infection, and stone crystals.
- Medical imaging tests- This includes abdominal ultrasound imaging, CT scan, and MRI scan to get a detailed image of the inside of the urinary system and adjacent organs. A voiding cystourethrogram is a special X-ray test that shows if obstruction or reflux is present. It is done with the help of dye which is added to urine in the bladder and helps in showing the urine flow path on an X-ray.
- Other tests- Bladder catheterization, Intravenous urogram, Computed tomography Angiography, and Cystoscopy.
Good Candidates for Hydronephrosis Treatment
Adult men or women who show the below-mentioned signs can have Hydronephrosis and so must seek diagnosis and treatment by a Urologist or Nephrologist in Hyderabad.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Painful, lighter urination or less frequent peeing
- Malaise or weakness
- Blood in the urine (Hematuria)
- Sudden or extreme back ache or pain in the abdomen or side of the body
- Symptoms of urinary tract infection- such as painful urination, cloudy urine, an urge to urinate, and high fever
- Reduced urine output but no major changes in it.
Good candidates for Hydronephrosis could even be babies that do not show any symptoms, or may show some of these signs:
- Blood in the urine
- Fever
- Irritability
- Not proper feeding
- Multiple urinary tract infections
- Pain in the abdomen or side of the body
- Lack of energy.
The urologists at Arete Hospitals aim to treat Hydronephrosis by restoring the urine flow from the kidneys and reducing the pressure and swelling caused by the urine back-up in the kidneys. Every patient gets treated differently, depending upon their underlying condition.
For short-lived, sudden hydronephrosis, the urologist recommends placing a nephrostomy tube or ureteral stent to drain out excess urine. A nephrostomy tube is placed by making an incision in the skin above the kidney and inserting the tube into the kidneys. A ureteral stent is a soft, plastic tube that may be placed between the bladder and kidney by a urologist during a cystoscopy procedure.
If the patient suffers from Hydronephrosis because of kidney or ureteral stones, the treatment options offered by the urologist include:
- Shock wave lithotripsy- This is the most common, non-surgical approach to removing kidney stones. The procedure involves the use of a special machine that emits high-energy shock waves to break the stones into smaller fragments or dust that can easily pass out of the body with urine. The machine is placed outside the patient’s body and so the overall procedure does not involve any invasion. This treatment has minimal risks and side effects. Patients quickly recover from it. For more information on Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy (URSL) Surgery in Hyderabad, pay a visit at Arete Hospitals.
- Ureteroscopy in Hyderabad- It is an invasive procedure, most often used by urologists to remove stones in the bladder or lower part of the ureter. During the procedure, the urologist inserts a ureteroscope within the urethra. The ureteroscope has a camera and light at its end as well as special surgical instruments to break the stones and remove them. This procedure may be performed in adjunct with other procedures to assist in the breaking of stones. These include pulse dye laser or electrohydraulic lithotripsy. It is beneficial for stone removal in pregnant patients, patients having Class III obesity, or those with blood clotting disorders.
- Surgery- This is the last resort and the best treatment option for large or difficult-to-remove kidney/ureter/bladder stones. Surgery might also be needed for the removal of tumours in the bladder or other kinds of obstructions in the urinary tract such as urethral structures.
Besides these treatments, Hydronephrosis patients are even provided with medications like analgesics to relieve their pain and antibiotics to prevent or treat urinary tract infections.
1. Who gets Hydronephrosis?
Hydronephrosis can affect individuals of any age group. In children, Hydronephrosis is usually the result of anatomic abnormalities (structural body changes) present since birth or before. In young people, it is often caused by kidney stones.
2. Can I prevent Hydronephrosis?
As Hydronephrosis is an outcome of some underlying illness, prevention could be possible by avoiding or promptly treating the illness before it leads to Hydronephrosis. For instance, if you have a kidney stone you should as early as possible, get the stone removed and after knowing its cause prevent its recurrence.
In case of excruciating pain in the abdomen or side, high fever, or vomiting, don’t wait to get treated.
3. What are the potential risks and complications of Hydronephrosis?
If Hydronephrosis is left untreated, it may lead to reduced kidney functioning and further permanent kidney damage or kidney failure/atrophy. It is even possible to have a kidney infection. The most commonly occurring complication of hydronephrosis is a urinary tract infection. When patients having a chronic obstruction get relief, they might experience excessive urination- a post-obstructive diuresis.
For more information on Hydronephrosis Treatment Cost In Hyderabad and details on its benefits pay a visit at Arete Hospitals.