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Hydrocephalus Treatment & Management

Hydrocephalus is a neurological condition characterised by excess accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain’s ventricular system or fluid-containing cavities.

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear, organic liquid that constantly circulates surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It has many crucial roles. It acts as a shock absorber for the components of the central nervous system and as a delivery vehicle for nutrients and even for waste removal. Moreover, it helps regulate pressure changes as it flows between the spine and the cranium. 

In Hydrocephalus condition, there is a build-up of CSF because of either of the following reasons:

  • Increased production of CSF
  • Reduced absorption rate for CSF
  • Heredity or developmental disorders such as encephalocele or spina bifida and even result in brain tumours, haemorrhage, meningitis, and head injuries
  • Another medical condition characterised by the blocking of normal circulation of CSF through the ventricular system.

CSF accumulation around the brain can put harmful pressure on the brain tissues confined to the skull. If left untreated, hydrocephalus progresses and may lead to complications such as developmental, intellectual, and physical disabilities. In some cases, the complications can be fatal. Appropriate treatment can be received for such a condition only by a neuro expert. Arete Hospitals is one of the leading Best Hydrocephalus Treatment Hospitals in Hyderabad where neurological conditions like Hydrocephalus are diagnosed and treated best.

The top-notch neurologists in the panel of the department use advanced technologies and techniques to assure top-quality, comprehensive care to their patients.

Benefits of Hydrocephalus Treatment

  • Effective treatment enhances the overall quality of life of affected individuals. It helps manage concerns like headaches, nausea, and vision problems, allowing patients to lead more comfortable and fulfilling lives.
  • Timely treatment avoids the accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid in the brain and reduces the risk of brain damage or cognitive impairment associated with untreated hydrocephalus
  • Successful management helps improve cognitive function. One can experience better concentration, memory, and problem-solving abilities, often compromised in untreated cases
  • Hydrocephalus treatment can relieve physical symptoms such as balance problems, urinary incontinence, and weakness of the muscles, allowing one to regain physical independence and mobility
  • Untreated hydrocephalus can lead to potentially life-threatening complications, including increased intracranial pressure and herniation of brain tissue. Treatment helps prevent these serious consequences
  • With appropriate treatment and management, individuals with hydrocephalus can often lead independent lives, pursue education, work, and engage in social activities without the limitations imposed by untreated hydrocephalus symptoms.

Ideal Candidates for Hydrocephalus Treatment

Anyone who is diagnosed with Hydrocephalus can seek treatment for it. While performing diagnosis neurologists do check for signs and symptoms of Hydrocephalus in the patient. The patients who show any signs of Hydrocephalus are suitable candidates for a variety of Hydrocephalus treatments.

Hydrocephalus appears differently from one person to another and across different ages. Here’s is a list of symptoms reported by hydrocephalus patients, as per their age groups:

In Infants- Vomiting due to increased cranial pressure, irritability, sleepiness, sunset sign (downward eyes deviation), rapidly increasing the circumference of head, abnormally large head size, prominent scalp veins, and/or soft spot (tense and bulging fontanelle).

In Children and Adolescents- Unusual balance and gait, poor appetite, nausea and vomiting, blurred/double vision, papilledema, slowed or loss of progress of development, personality changes, urinary incontinence, seizures, and/or difficulty concentrating.

In Adults- Mild dementia, lethargy, loss of balance or coordination, headache, nausea and vomiting, gait disturbances or trouble walking, impaired cognitive skills, memory loss, impaired vision, and/or bladder incontinence.

Different Types of Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus is of different categories based on its onset, presence of structural defects, or pressure placed by cerebrospinal fluid. These are:

  • Congenital Hydrocephalus- Its onset is at birth. It results from events that occur during the development of a foetus or because of genetic abnormalities.
  • Acquired Hydrocephalus- Its onset can be either in childhood or adulthood typically because of an injury or disease.
  • Communicating Hydrocephalus-This form of Hydrocephalus is the result of no blockage in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid within the ventricular system. It develops either because of an unusual increase in the produced quantity of cerebrospinal fluid or its inadequate absorption.
  • Obstructive (non-communicative) Hydrocephalus- It occurs as a result of an obstruction in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. There could be a blockage in one or more passages connecting to the ventricles. This blockage causes an enlargement of the pathways upstream of the obstruction and ultimately leads to increased pressure within the skull.
  • Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus- It is a form of obstructive hydrocephalus with onset at any age, but mostly in old age. This condition is characterised by dilated ventricles with the spinal column having normal pressure.
  • Hydrocephalus Ex-vacuo- This condition primarily affects adults and occurs when stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, trauma, or other neurodegenerative diseases cause brain damage and result in shrinkage of brain tissues.

Contact the Best Doctors For Hydrocephalus Symptoms and Treatment at Arete Hospitals. They can provide the best information on treatment of this condition and also on Hydrocephalus Treatment Cost in Hyderabad.

Diagnostic Services for Hydrocephalus

If a doctor specialising in Hydrocephalus Treatment in Hyderabad suspects that a patient is suffering from hydrocephalus, they will conduct a comprehensive clinical evaluation of the patient. This includes reviewing and recording of detailed medical history of the patient and even assessing the patient’s condition through physical examination.

To confirm the diagnosis of Hydrocephalus and to determine the best treatment plan, the neurologists order some tests that are all available under the roof of the Neurology/Neurosurgery Department at Arete Hospitals. The tests include:

  • Lumbar Puncture (spinal tap)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of brain/spine
  • Computed Tomography (CT) Scan of the brain/spine
  • Monitoring of Intracranial Pressure
  • Isotope Cisternography.

Such tests can help reveal useful information about the likely cause and severity of hydrocephalus.

Treatment Options for Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus treatment is possible in various ways. The condition is treated based on its aetiology. A direct treatment approach is to treat the underlying cause of CSF obstruction and an indirect approach is to divert the flow of excess CSF. Sometimes, two surgeries are performed together, one to divert the flow of excess CSF and another to remove the cause of obstruction (brain tumour).

Commonly, Hydrocephalus is treated surgically in either of the following ways:

Shunt implantation- This is the most common surgical approach. The surgery involves placing a shunt system to create a drainage passage for excess cerebrospinal fluid. A shunt is an implant device, a long, flexible tube connected to a catheter and valve. One end of the shunt is usually placed by the neurosurgeon in one of the ventricles of the brain. 

The tubing is then tunnelled underneath the skin to another body part like the heart chamber of the abdomen, where excess CSF can be easily absorbed. The valve of the shunt system helps regulate and maintain the flow rate and right direction of the CSF flow. The shunt system is usually required by hydrocephalus patients for lifelong and needs to be regularly monitored by a neurologist. For more information on this procedure contact Arte Hospitals for Best VP Shunt Treatment Hospital In Hyderabad.

Endoscopic third ventriculostomy- This surgical procedure is performed in only some cases. In this surgery, the neurosurgeon utilises an endoscope equipped with a camera and fibre optics to get a clear view of the brain ventricles. Through an endoscope, the surgeon inserts specialised surgical instruments to create a new pathway for diverting the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What happens in the follow-up of hydrocephalus treatment?

During the follow-up visit, the neurosurgeon evaluates the patient’s neurological function. If the surgeon finds any persisting neurological problem, then rehabilitation may be needed for further improvement. However, the patient’s recovery will be limited depending upon the extent of damage caused by the hydrocephalus condition and the healing ability of the brain. As hydrocephalus is an ongoing condition, the patients require long-term follow-up. To determine the proper working of the shunt system, the neurosurgeon will recommend the patients for follow-up brain imaging tests.

2. When is it necessary to contact a neurologist after hydrocephalus treatment?

If the patient experiences serious postoperative symptoms after hydrocephalus treatment, then consulting a neurologist in Hyderabad is a must. The post-operative symptoms include drowsiness or irritability; nausea, headache, vomiting, or double vision; abdominal pain, fever, tenderness, redness, swelling, or pain of the skin along the incision or the tube; return of pre-operative neurological symptoms.

3. Is there a cure for hydrocephalus?

No. However, there are treatments available that allow hydrocephalus patients to lead fairly normal lives with the condition. The treatment helps in reducing the symptoms of the condition.

4. How common is the revision surgical implantation of shunts?

If a child is receiving a shunt, he/she may need shunt revisions 3-4 times throughout their life to maintain it. However, there are paediatric patients with hydrocephalus who require only a single operation and even those who need several shunt revisions, sometimes several times a year.

5. Does congenital hydrocephalus run in families?

Yes, it can. Neurologists think that hydrocephalus onset at birth can be an outcome of an inherited genetic defect. However, investigations are ongoing to find the direct connection to hereditary disorders. Neuro experts have found a link between hydrocephalus and a rare genetic disorder called L1 syndrome.

For more details consult Best Doctors for Hydrocephalus Treatment in Hyderabad at Arete Hospitals.

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